Achieving Sustainable Package Printing


The availability of truly sustainable options is one of the most critical challenges facing today’s global community. And there is greater demand than ever for sustainable package printing solutions.

For the packaging graphics industry, there are many drivers for printing sustainability. Retailers, consumer products companies and governments are demanding sustainable packaging solutions.

To meet this printing sustainability challenge, the packaging graphics industry must minimize the carbon footprint and effectively manage waste streams at every step throughout the packaging value chain.

DuPont Packaging Graphics is dedicated to helping you meet this packaging printing sustainability challenge. We are continuously working to develop innovative products, processes and services such as the DuPont™ Cyrel® FAST solvent free process and the Life Cycle Assessment to help you achieve your printing sustainability goals.


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Cyrel® Flexo Plates

DuPont™ Cyrel® flexo plates deliver higher quality at higher speeds in a wide range of package printing applications.

Cyrel® Platemaking Equipment

Cyrel®  flexographic platemaking solutions include processors, exposure units, and dryers for solvent and thermal processing environments

Cyrel® Solvent Workflow

The Cyrel® solvent workflow consists of flexographic photopolymer plates and sleeves, platemaking equipment and washout solutions

Cyrel® FAST Thermal Workflow

Cyrel® FAST thermal plate processing technology uses solvent-free thermal processing to produce a press-ready finished flexo plates